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Действенные назначения
Перенимайте 55+летний опыт профессора Витулкаса
Программа утверждена в ВУЗах
Программа электронного обучения E-learning утверждена в 6 медицинских ВУЗах
ThДанный курс обеспечивает учащихся набором удобных возможностей и функций
Видео-лекции проф. Витулкаса
Развернутые пояснения
(Ганеман, Кент, Витулкас)
Модератор курса
он-лайн Материя Медика
Тесты и самопроверка
Заключительные экзамены он-лайн
Видео-просмотр на мобильных устройствах
Административная и техническая поддержка
Пройти бесплатное пробное обучение
Бесплатные пробные занятия в новой группе стартуют каждую ПЯТНИЦУ
Про 2х-летний КУРС ОБУЧЕНИЯ
Данная академическая он-лайн программа обучения создана по высшим образовательным стандартам в соответствии с принципами Самуила Ганемана.
Программа состоит из следующих модулей:
Теория, Материя Медика, Реперторизация, Вопросы и ответы, Темы дискуссий, Случаи с анализом.
Для каждой видео-лекции одновременно даются ссылки по теме обучения на те разделы книг Ганемана, Кента и Витулкаса, которые студентам необходимо изучить перед просмотром.
Новаторская, передовая теория УРОВНЕЙ ЗДОРОВЬЯ поможет студентам глубоко понять процессы, через которые проходит их пациент, и ясно представлять: когда назначать, какую потенцию, как часто ее повторять и какую реакцию ожидать.
Студенты имеют возможность следовать за ходом длительного лечения многих случаев, а также постичь, как Джордж Витулкас рассматривает случай, как он анализирует и обобщает информацию с тем, чтобы найти правильное средство, какие стратегии он использует для назначения, и каким образом он дифференцирует средства.
Программа включает 300 часов видео- и аудио-лекций, 300 часов обучения и 150 часов клинической практики (всего 750 часов).
Нажмите на клавишу ниже и скачайте подробный УЧЕБНЫЙ ПЛАН 2х-летнего курса Электронного обучения E-learning, состоящий из 9 модулей. Курс обучения рассчитан на 2 года.
СКАЧАТЬ УЧЕБНЫЙ ПЛАНПосмотрите фрагменты видео-лекций
Воспользуйтесь блестящей возможностью изучать ГОМЕОПАТИЮ с профессором Джорджем Витулкасом у себя дома. Данная академическая он-лайн программа Электронного обучения E-learning создана по высшим образовательным стандартам в соответствии с принципами Самуила Ганемана.
The careful study and acceptance of all the terms below constitutes a prerequisite for the participation of the student in the training program of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (hereby referred to as the “Academy”), which is described below, as well as for the use of the relevant electronic platform.
Within the context of its training activity, the Academy provides an e-learning training program in the area of Classical Homeopathy, which has been exclusively based on the tutoring of Professor George Vithoulkas and has been developed in accordance with the principles of Classical Homeopathy. In order to achieve the aforementioned aim, the Academy has created a special “Training Internet Site” (e-learning platform), which can offer remote access to parties who are interested in participating in the aforementioned e-learning program from any country in the world.
The aforementioned program is divided into seven thematic units: Theory, Materia Medica, Repertorization, Questions and Answers, Topics, Levels of Health, Cases and Analysis,which are offered to the student in video and audio form. The students of the Academy will be supervised by Professor George Vithoulkas and by certified moderators, holders of excellent knowledge and experience in the aforementioned subject of Classical Homeopathy.
In the course, there are tests at the end of training modules, final online exams and a forum in which the students write their questions and the moderator-tutor is answering. The e-learning program consists of 300 hours of video & audio courses, 300 hours of study and 150 hours of clinical practice (total: 750 hours).
Parallel with each video, there are indications of the portions of books of Hahnemann, Kent and Vithoulkas, corresponding to the teaching that the students have to study. The students are obliged to participate in three tests (Theory/Organon, Materia Medica and Repertorization) and to do the self-assessments required from them (they do not have this obligation if they only want a Certificate of Attendance). The student has the obligation to attend the whole of the program within a time period of 24 months (2 years) from the time of his/her admission. In case the student fails to attend the complete program within the aforementioned time period, then their access to the electronic platform will be suspended.
The right for a participation in the diploma examinations is extended to all Medical Doctors, Dentists, Veterinary Doctors and Homeopathic Practitioners. As a pre-requisite for receiving the Diploma of IACH, all students are required to submit ten (10) cases with follow-ups for six months (at least two follow-ups). These cases can be submitted within one year after the completion of the course and the successful passing of the Final Exams. The Diploma of IACH does not automatically confer a legal right to practice homeopathy. Students must comply to the relevant laws of their own country.
Especially for Greek residents, the right for a participation in the diploma examinations is extended to all Medical Doctors, Dentists and Veterinary Doctors. All other students will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
After the approval of the Moderator that the student has completed the attendance of the program, the student shall be able to participate in the examinations that will take place ONLINE. The Final Exams are conducted on designated days each month and students can take part at a month of their choice. In case of failure in the examinations, they shall be able to participate again after six (6) months by taking all the tests of the Final Exams. If a student fails during the second attempt, he/she is allowed a third and final attempt, six (6) months after the second one.
The cases should be submitted the latest one year after finishing the final exams. The cases have to be treated by the student himself in order the Moderator to be able to notice how the student approaches and evaluates them. The cases will be reviewed by the Moderator who will give guidelines and offer feedback to the students.
In the submission of the cases only the initials of the patients will be recorded. The Student must treat the submitted cases with extreme confidentiality, providing for the anonymity of the patience and not record any information that identifies the patient (first/last name, profession, birth date, etc). The cases will be discussed with the Moderator, but it is understood that the treatment of each of those cases is the Student’s responsibility and will continue to be so. The data from the submitted cases can be used by the Academy for educational and/or research purposes.
All other students, who will not take part to the exams and who will not submit the 10 cases with 6 months follow-ups, will receive the Certificate of Attendance.
The Certificate of Attendance under no circumstances gives them the right to practice homeopathy in their respective countries. This course can be attended by scientists of biology, physics, chemistry, biochemistry and related sciences. This is done with the purpose to open up areas of research for all questions related to scientific proof of homeopathy.
The student shall have the option to watch a sample of the lecturing of Professor George Vithoulkas in the first page of the platform and more specifically in the address http://vithoulkas.edu.gr or in the youtube channel of Prof. Vithoulkas. They also have the possibility to register for a 10-day Free Trial. By participating in the Free Trial students have no obligation to register in the full 2-year course.
The student shall have the following rights:
- To watch each lecture for up to two times, whenever they wish, within the time period of the twenty four months, for which the program will be available (upon the expiration, the videos will be secured and they will not have access to them any more),
- To participate in the Forum that will be available in the platform, to post and to exchange views. The Moderators will monitor the discussions, so as to provide personal or team answers.
- To submit questions to the Moderator (only in the English language). The Moderator shall have the obligation to answer within twenty four (24) hours from the submission of the question,
- To perform self-assessment exercises, which give the student the possibility to assess whether they have understood the training material,
- To have access to the books of the Professor George Vithoulkas with the option to search words or phrases through the address http://www.vithoulkas.com/learning-tools/searching-books/
- To have online access via the Website (portal) www.vithoulkas.com, to the Organon of S. Hahnemann, the online “Materia Medica” (Kent, Boericke, Allen, Farrington, Dunham, Nash ), as well as to the articles of Professor George Vithoulkas.
- To receive, free of charge (depending on payment terms) the books of Professor George Vithoulkas - (The Science of Homeopathy, the Levels of Health, the New Model of Health and Disease, Homeopathy Medicine for the New Millennium and Materia Medica Viva 12 vol.)
Please note that your login/username and password for the E-learning platform is strictly confidential and cannot be shared with anyone else.
In order to participate in the program the Student must be supplied with an Personal computer with at least:
‐ Intel Core 2 Duo Processor or better (Core-i3 or better recommended)
‐ 1 GB of RAM (4 GB Recommended)
‐ 1280x720 pixel screen or larger
‐ Speakers
‐ Internet Explorer, Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari Browser
‐ Internet connection with at least 1Mbps of stable download speed/rate. (4Mbps recommended)
The E-learning platform is supported on Windows (version 7 or later), Mac (Mac OS X 10.8 or later), iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad - iOS 8 or later) and Android Devices (Android 4.4 or later).
The student hereby acknowledges that any personal computers to be used during the participation in the program comply with the abovementioned technical specifications and therefore the Academy bears no liability for any malfunction, during the use of the Platform.
The student shall fill in a registration form on line in the address https://www.vithoulkas.edu.gr/member/register , by providing a series of information that help in the creation of their personal profile. All of the required fields must be filled, before the acceptance of the registration. After the submission of the form, an e-mail will be sent to the applicant and to the administrator of the platform.
After registration the student will receive two messages. One containing general information about the Course and one with information about a 10-day Free Trial. When the Free Trial is over the student will receive a message with payment details. Through the links in that message the user will be automatically redirected to the PayPal system of electronic transactions (http://www.paypal.com ), where they can pay off the cost of their registration and/or the subscriptions they have chosen. Alternatively, students have the possibility to pay via bank wire transfer. The registration and admission of the student to the course will be confirmed with the consent of the administrator, in order to avoid the registration of any malicious users and only after the payment procedure has been completed. The time the material becomes available commences as soon as the Academy receives the first installment of money.
The Tuition Fees and the Conditions of the participation terms are described in ANNEX I, which constitutes a part of this Agreement.
For students with no medical background, it is compulsory, in order to comprehend and appreciate the E-learning Course to its fullest extent, to complete successfully studies in Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Medicine before starting the present program. The discounted course of IACH is available here: https://www.vithoulkas.edu.gr/anatomy-pathology-physiology-courses.
Who are eligible for the Diploma of IACH
Students who are eligible for the Diploma of IACH have to be Medical Doctors, Dentists, Veterinaries, BHMS and Licensed Homeopathic practitioners.
In order to receive the Diploma of IACH, the student:
1. must watch all the content of the course. This requirement (1) applies for both Diploma and Certificate
2. has to pass successfully the Tests on Theory and Organon, Materia Medica and Repertorization.
3. has to pass successfully the Final Exams
4. has to submit successfully ten (10) cases with six (6) months follow-up (at least two (2) follow-up)
The E-learning Course offered by the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy contains all the necessary knowledge to provide a solid foundation towards becoming a good homeopath. So our Diploma certifies knowledge but does not automatically give one the right to practice homeopathy. Students must comply with the laws and regulations of their respective country. As these laws vary around the world, the responsibility for that research falls to the interested student.
Who will receive the Certificate of Attendance
**Please note that if you do not belong to above groups, you can only receive a Certificate of Attendance after the completion of the 2-year course and you are not obliged to take part to the Tests or to the Final Exams.**
Support to the user before their registration will be offered through the email elearning@vithoulkas.com, as well as through telephone or Skype for issues that cannot be resolved through electronic mail. Support to the user after their registration will be offered through email and through the platform itself, in the Forum. By means of the use of the forum for the submission of questions, all the users have the ability to see the frequently asked questions and answers. They will also have the possibility to search by keyword through all the posted messages. Answers to e-mails will be given the next business day and within 24 hours from the e-mail delivery of the user (apart from Saturdays, Sundays and official holidays), whereas telephone or Skype support will be provided from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 Greek Time. (apart from official holidays).
The total of the content of our website constitutes the object of the intellectual property of International Academy of Homeopathy (IACH) and is protected - governed by national, European Union, as well as international laws regarding the protection of the Intellectual Property Rights. Therefore, it is expressly forbidden to reproduce, republish, copy, save, sale, transmit, distribute, publish, execute, download, translate, amend in any way, either partially or in summary, the total of the content of the specific website. Therefore, the International Academy of Homeopathy (IACH) is the sole owner of all intellectual property rights of any material published on this website, including, without limitation, all texts, images, graphics and videos of any nature whatsoever and these rights are explicitly reserved. Each user of this website is granted a temporary license to view this material, and use the website, with the sole purpose of facilitating his/her educational activities in the subject of Classical Homeopathy. Each user must not reproduce any part of the Web Site or the material or transmit it to or store it in any other Web Site or disseminate any part of the material in any other form, with the only exception to that being that the user may download and print extracts from the material that are available in Portable Document Format (PDF electronic file) which are called NOTES and make copies of these for his/her own personal use only. It is noted that any violation of the aforementioned rules, according to the applicable legislation, brings in a series of serious penalties. In case of breach of the aforementioned obligations/terms the student – user of the website agrees and accepts to compensate the Academy with the sum of one hundred thousand (100.000,00) Euros as a reasonable and fair penalty. In this case the Academy retains the right to seek further compensation for any actual damage or loss, as well for its moral harm in the competent courts. Furthermore, in this case Academy reserves the right to dismiss the student from the aforementioned Program and terminates the present agreement with immediate effect.
The administration and protection of the personal data of the visitor-user-student of the website is subject to the terms of the present, as well as of the relevant provisions of the national laws, the European Union laws, as well as the international laws, regarding the protection of the person from the administration of their personal data, as they apply and are in force each time.
Due to the fact that the students will monitor real cases of patients, they are hereby bound by the limitations deriving from the medical code of ethics that applies to doctors, as well as by the medical confidentiality clause, concerning facts that became known to them during practicing medicine. Moreover, it is expressly forbidden for students to make any publication, either oral, or written or electronic, in reference to the respective personal data of patients. The compliance to the data protection clauses of this contract is extremely important to the Academy, directly relating to its reputation and credibility. Therefore Students acknowledge and accept that any breach of those substantial clauses will lead to (a) the eligibility of a penal clause equal to 50,000 euros (b) the obligation to pay compensation for any actual or consequential damage or loss, as well as for moral harm, that the Academy or any third party may suffer as a result of the aforementioned violation of the student-user.
Within the context of respect for the rules of science and the right to dignity and the non-offending of the personality, any insults, personal attacks and, in general, any violating behavior of the users of the program are not allowed in the forum. In case of breach, the Academy, in its full discretion, is entitled to immediately interrupt the access of the student-user to the electronic platform.
In case provisions 10 and 11 of present agreement is not to be followed in practice or breached, directly or indirectly, this will be held as consisting a severe breach of the agreement and will result in immediate termination thereof as well as the provision of services in any other form, digital, printed or other, on behalf of the Academy. The software of the e-learning platform may not be reverse engineered, decompiled, disassembled, hacked, exploited and its content should not be recorded, through analog, digital or other, as effective, means. Any attempt or action in the direction of copyright infringement is to be held as an act, harmful to the interests of the Academy. Moreover, equipment, tools and software used so as to prepare the aforementioned acts will be considered a breach of present agreement and will be treated as an infringement. Furthermore, Academy reserves the right to dismiss a Student from the aforementioned Program and terminates the present agreement for unsatisfactory progress, nonpayment of tuition, failure to abide by school rules, making disrespectful comments about the program or faculty or other students on social media or public forums and due to constant complaints from the moderator and the administration department. The termination is to be notified in written form and is to have an immediate effect.
In case of termination according to the provisions of the present article the student is not entitled to a refund of the tuition fees paid and is not allowed to register in the future at any educational program of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. In case there is either an obligation or a legal right thereto, the Academy will provide any help needed to judicial or police authorities. Restitution of damages of the Academy or third parties, as well as prosecution of people and persons involved in criminal activities, is to follow according to provisions 10 and 11, as well as the provisions in force in applicable i.e. Greek law.
If any provision of this contract is held by any court or other competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, this contract shall continue to be valid as to its other provisions and the remainder of the affected provision, unless it can be concluded from the circumstances that, in the absence of the provision found to be null and void, the Parties would not have concluded this contract. The Parties shall use all reasonable efforts to replace all provisions found to be null and void by provisions that are valid under the applicable law and come closest to their original intention.
This contract sets out the entire agreement between the Parties. Neither party has entered into this contract in reliance upon any representation, warranty or undertaking of the other party that is not expressly set out or referred to in this contract. This Article shall not exclude any liability for fraudulent misrepresentation. This contract may not be varied except by an agreement of the Parties in writing.
The aforementioned terms and conditions of use of the specific training program, as well as any amendment to them, are governed and construed in accordance with Greek Law, which is exclusively applicable. In case any term of the present agreement becomes inconsistent with the law, it shall be automatically annulled and removed from the present, whereas the validity of the remaining terms shall by no means be affected. As regards any dispute or disagreement or disputation that may rise during the construction and/or the performance of the present agreement, the Contracting Parties will attempt to reach an amicable settlement. In case the Contracting Parties fail to reach an amicable settlement, according to the above, then the exclusive jurisdiction for the resolution of the dispute or the disagreement or the disputation shall belong to the Greek Courts of Athensand applicable is the Greek Law. The present constitutes the full agreement between the Academy and the visitor-user-student, which is equally binding to both of them. No amendment of these terms shall be taken into consideration and shall constitute a part of the present agreement, unless it has been previously formulated in writing and integrated to it.
I declare that I read carefully, understood and accept the present agreement. It is further understood and agreed that this agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous verbal and written agreements and may not be modified without the written agreement of the student and the Academy. I also understand that if I breach any provision of the present agreement I will be responsible for the payment of any collection fees or attorney fees incurred by the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. I agree to conduct myself in a professional and courteous manner during my participation to the course. I agree to comply promptly and fully with the rules, regulations and policies of the Academy. Failure to comply with any terms of this agreement shall automatically terminate my right to attend further training. The Academy reserves the right to change the curriculum and staff as necessary. I also declare that the conclusion of the registration process through the internet site of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy indicates/approves that I have read and understood clearly all the provisions/terms of the present agreement and that I entirely recognize my legal responsibilities in regard to this contract.
Who |
Payment Amount & Plan |
Books free of charge and free of shipping |
Medical Doctors, |
4,500 Euros paid in a lump sum |
12 vol. of Materia Medica Viva and 4 Prof. Vithoulkas’ books: “Science of Homeopathy,” “Levels of Health,” “New Model of Health and Disease,” and “Homeopathy, Medicine for the New Millennium.” |
Medical Doctors, |
4,500 Euros paid in 4 installments |
4 Prof. Vithoulkas’ books: “Science of Homeopathy,” “Levels of Health,” “New Model of Health and Disease,” and “Homeopathy, Medicine for the New Millennium.” |
Medical Doctors, Dentists, Veterinarians, Pharmacists, Nurses |
4,500 Euros paid in 8 installments | 2 Prof. Vithoulkas’ books: “Science of Homeopathy,” “Levels of Health” |
Homeopaths, |
4,000 Euros paid in a lump sum |
4 Prof. Vithoulkas’ books: “Science of Homeopathy,” “Levels of Health,” “New Model of Health and Disease,” and “Homeopathy, Medicine for the New Millennium.” |
Homeopaths, |
4,000 Euros paid in 4 installments |
Prof. Vithoulkas’ Book: “Levels of Health” |
Homeopaths, |
4,000 Euros paid in 8 installments |
none |
Current Homeopathy Students of IACH* and PhD holders |
2,500 Euros paid in a lump sum |
Prof. Vithoulkas’ Book: “Levels of Health” |
Current Homeopathy Students of IACH* and PhD holders |
2,500 Euros paid in 4 installments |
none |
Current Homeopathy Students of IACH* and PhD holders |
2,500 Euros paid in 8 installments |
none |
Students who do not belong to the above categories |
5,000 Euros paid in a lump sum |
12 vol. of Materia Medica Viva and 4 Prof. Vithoulkas’ books: “Science of Homeopathy,” “Levels of Health,” “New Model of Health and Disease,” and “Homeopathy, Medicine for the New Millennium.” |
Students who do not belong to the above categories |
5,000 Euros paid in 4 installments |
4 Prof. Vithoulkas books: “Science of Homeopathy,” “Levels of Health,” “New Model of Health and Disease,” and “Homeopathy, Medicine for the New Millennium.” |
Students who do not belong to the above categories | 5,000 Euros paid in 8 installments | 2 Prof. Vithoulkas books: “Science of Homeopathy,” “Levels of Health” |
If an applicant belongs to any of the above categories he/she needs to state that at the time of registration. The various discounts will be applied after the validity of the information provided has been confirmed by the Academy.
* Students entitled to 50% discount of the original price of 5,000 euros:
a. All students that already have the Diploma of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. These students do not have the obligation to take examinations in the E-Learning Program.
b. All students that already have the Certificate of Attendance of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy from the video courses in different countries. After this, they have the right to participate in the final exams (please read the student agreement).
c. All students that are at present attending the e-learning groups in different countries.
d. PhD holders in relevant sciences
If the payment takes place in installments, the lectures shall be delivered to the students in the form of four or eight thematic units (which will be accessible each time the transaction is completed)
Payment in four instalments
1st Unit: Theory A/B and Materia Medica A
2nd Unit: Materia Medica B and Materia Medica C
3rd Unit: Levels of Health, Repertorization, Questions and Answers and Topics, Case Studies A
4th Unit: Case Studies B, Case Studies C
Payment in eight instalments
1st Unit: Theory A and B
2nd Unit: Materia Medica A
3rd Unit: Materia Medica B
4th Unit: Materia Medica C
5th Unit: Levels of Health, Repertorization, Questions and Answers and Topics,
6th Unit: Case Studies A
7th Unit: Case Studies B
8th Unit: Case Studies C
If a student wants to see the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth unit (according to his/her payment plan) of the E-Learning Program earlier and does not want to wait for the next months for the second, third fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth installment, he/she can pay earlier and automatically the corresponding unit of the E-Learning Program will be unlocked.
The student shall not have the right to choose only the second, third fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth unit separately. The cases will be given in audio form, whereas the analysis of the case in video form. The students shall have the possibility to see the complete program within a time period of 24 months. In case they fail to watch the complete program within the aforementioned deadline, the access to the program will be suspended.
If the payment takes place in installments and in case an installment is delayed for more than 10 (calendar) days, the ability of the user to have further access to the training program will be automatically suspended. It is noted that all the aforementioned amounts of the tuition fees, concern each student-user personally.
Public organizations (such as universities, colleges etc.) that wish to provide to their students the training program offered by IACH, are obliged to conclude a special agreement with the Academy.
Online Exams Fee
The fee for the online exams will be 370 euros.
In the event of a student's registration cancelation at any point, the already paid fees are not refundable.
Communication Policy
Указывая здесь свой адрес электронной почты, Вы соглашаетесь с тем, что Академия может использовать данный адрес для периодической рассылки промо-материалов и новостей, а также сертифицированные партнеры Академии в Вашем районе (стране или более обширном регионе) могут периодически делать рассылку похожего содержания. Данный электронный адрес не будет передан третьим лицам: (a) не являющимися партнерами Академии согласно договору и (b) не имеющими отношения к обучению и практике классической гомеопатии. Вы всегда имеете возможность отписаться от получения любой рассылки и любых сообщений из Академии. Если Вы не принимали участие ни в одном из курсов данного веб-сайта, то в любой момент времени Вы можете потребовать удалить Вашу учетную запись (аккаунт) и Ваши персональные данные из нашей базы данных, включая адрес электронной почты, что и будет сделано, и с этого момента Вы перестанете получать рассылку и сообщения из Академии, а также от партнеров Академии в сфере обучения. Если Вы занимаетесь по программе электронного обучения на данном сайте, то с целью ведения бухгалтерского учета и проведения аудиторских проверок Ваши данные будут храниться еще в течение 3 лет после окончания курса обучения, в процессе которого Вам был открыт доступ к электронному курсу обучения.
Тренировочные модули
Наш полный и исчерпывающий курс по КЛАССИЧЕСКОЙ ГОМЕОПАТИИ предназначен как для начинающих, так и для опытных гомеопатов. Начинающие изучат и получат прочные фундаментальные знания в НАУЧНОЙ ГОМЕОПАТИИ, а продвинутые гомеопаты смогут глубоко освоить тонкости ГОМЕОПАТИИ под руководством профессора Витулкаса. Курс состоит из 5 ТЕМАТИЧЕСКИХ БЛОКОВ (Теория, Материя Медика, Реперторизация, Вопросы и ответы, Случаи), которые разбиты на 9 МОДУЛЕЙ.
Теория A
Включает необходимые основы и знания о принципах и практике гомеопатии
Материя Медика A
Включает 150+ гомеопатических средств и важные ключевые симптомы
Материя Медика B
Включает 150+ гомеопатических средств и важные ключевые симптомы
Материя Медика C
Включает 150+ гомеопатических средств и важные ключевые симптомы
Реперторизация/ Темы дискуссий
Включает основы Реперторизации и общие темы по гомеопатии
Case Studies A
Включает рассмотрение реальных и письменных случаев со всесторонним анализом, длительное отслеживание случаев с повторными консультациями и стратегии назначений
Case Studies B
Включает рассмотрение реальных и письменных случаев со всесторонним анализом, длительное отслеживание случаев с повторными консультациями и стратегии назначений
Case Studies C
Включает рассмотрение реальных и письменных случаев со всесторонним анализом, длительное отслеживание случаев с повторными консультациями и стратегии назначений
Уровни здоровья
Знание УРОВНЕЙ ЗДОРОВЬЯ дает гомеопату способность оценивать глубину патологии и делать более точные прогнозы.
Внимательное прочтение и согласие со всеми положениями об участии в Программе электронного обучения E-learning Program является обязательным условием для участия в обучающих программах Международной академии классической гомеопатии (также именуемой как - "Академия"), равно как и для использования соответствующей электронной платформы. Положения условий участия изложены ниже.
Чтобы получить более подробную информацию об оплате Онлайн-курса (E-learning Course), свяжитесь, пожалуйста, с представителями МАКГ. Контакты - внизу страницы.


По-моему, курс E-learning - наиболее блестящий, увлекательный, занимательный, и полностью передает качество преподавания проф. Витулкаса. Мне кажется, что за два месяца занятий на курсе я узнал больше, чем за последние два года.

Я очень люблю эту электронную программу. Я практикую ганемановскую гомеопатию в Лос-Анжелесе уже 17 лет. Я захотел пройти обучение на этом курсе, чтобы лучше понимать тему "Уровни здоровья". И решил освоить всю программу, так как идею "Уровни здоровья" легче понять при одновременном изучении Теории и разборе Случаев. От начала и до конца я наслаждался обучением, и очень доволен, что прошел всю программу от и до. И теперь я вопрошаю: "НУ КАК ЖЕ гомеопаты могут лечить пациентов, не имея этой информации?!"

Я врач-аллопат, новичок в гомеопатии, до этого курса не имел ни знаний, ни опыта в гомеопатии, и сейчас мне не терпится, наконец, приступить к обучению, и скорее начать собственную практику. Мне очень понравились те видео-лекции, которые я посмотрел.

В настоящее время миллионы людей пробуют лечиться гомеопатически с целью избавиться от страданий, но наблюдают порой противоречивые результаты. А все потому, что некоторым практикующим гомеопатам не хватает правильного обучения. Если вы на самом деле хотите излечивать людей и освоить эту красивую и сложную науку, то это можно сделать, обучаясь по исчерпывающей программе электронного обучения E-LEARNING, в ходе которой лучший гомеопат в мире, профессор Джордж Витулкас, делится своими знаниями и более чем 50-летним опытом.

Я занимаюсь всесторонним изучением гомеопатии уже 14 лет и без малейших колебаний могу сказать, что курс E-learning в Международной академии классической гомеопатии является самым лучшим вложением моих сил, времени и средств.

Мне невероятно понравилось то, что Академия с Алониссоса переносилась ко мне в кабинет, и я реально была в эти моменты в аудитории благодаря программе E-learning; хочу продолжения занятий! Я боюсь, что не подберу правильных слов, чтобы выразить свою благодарность за знания, которые я получила на этом курсе, но я попытаюсь и скажу так: "Я была слепа, а теперь прозрела". Огромное Вам спасибо, г-н Витулкас! Большое спасибо всем за совместное обучение, за полученную информацию, за общение.

Я буквально получала удовольствие от видео-лекций проф. Витулкаса! Они реально помогают в работе. Он просто чудесный учитель, и я чувствую, как ясно он подает информацию и учит меня мыслить широко и непредвзято.

Прежде всего, спасибо за то, что вся информация здесь сведена воедино. Это особенно важно для нас и для всех тех, кто живет далеко, - это просто подарок. Сначала у меня было какое-то предубеждение, что занятия по электронной программе будут нудными, и не передадут живую атмосферу занятий в классе. А на деле - я как будто переносилась туда и буквально ощущала себя сидящей в аудитории.

Яркое и живое описание картин гомеопатических средств, представление случаев и теории - красочное и светлое, с примерами и историями от Мастера - создавало ощущение присутствия в аудитории (и его рядом) в течение всех месяцев обучения, с самого начала занятий по программе. И помимо прочего, я благодарен за то, что есть возможность совмещать виртуальное общение через программу E-learning и реальное участие в летних семинарах на Алониссосе.
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